|| cw4 || The Tiger and the Forest

Today’s assignment was to write a fable.  While this theme has been covered before, probably many times, I wanted to put my own spin on it, since, being an extrovert, ignoring people in need is almost impossible.  =D  Hope it reads like a fable: that was the point, after all.

A great kind Tiger in a forest set out to  make a life for himself.  It was summer, and throughout the forest there was very little food.  Gathering berries, meat, and water in a sack, he set out in search of a home.  As he reached a clearing, he saw a Bird lying in the sand.  Because he could not find food, the Bird was dying.  The Tiger, in his kind heart, gave the Bird his berries and wished him well.  As he once again made his way through the forest, the Tiger came upon a Snake.  The Snake was weak, for he could not find water.  The Tiger reached into his sack and gave the Snake his supply of water, for he knew the Snake needed it more.  As the Tiger moved once again through the forest, he came upon a Wolf.  The Wolf could not find food for her pup, and was mourning as the pup died.  The Tiger felt sympathy, and so gave the Wolf his meat.  That night, a large storm finally came.  The Tiger, now without a home, food, or water, lay under a tree as lightning flashed and the winds blew.  In the morning, he could barely stand.  As he stumbled toward his destination, he had no strength to build his house, and knew he would die like the animals he had helped the day before.  As he bowed his head, a Bird, Wolf, and Snake came forth from the bushes.  “You gave me food when I was dying,” said the Bird.  “You saved my child,” said the Wolf.  “You gave me water when would have died,” said the Snake, “now we will help you.”  The Snake found more fruit for the Tiger, the Wolf dragged branches and trees, and the Bird gathered moss and sticks.  As the Wolf built a house, the Bird built its roof, and the Snake gathered fruit, the Tiger was thankful.

Those you help seek to return the favor.

Matthew 25:35-36,40–“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ … And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”  ESV

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